07 April 2010

Should I stay or should I go now?

I am considering pest control sales...if it's available in southern California.  I would like to see my friends and spend some time in the sun.  If that isn't possible then I could always just stay here and work for a footlocker part time.  That would not be nearly as much money, but it could potentially be much more fun.  I need a job either way you slice it.  I believe if I stayed I could find 2 jobs.  One on campus and one at the foot locker but it could be difficult. I would also have to juggle schedules with school because if I stay I'll be in classes.  Maybe I'll just do that because I would like to do a lot of reading and outdoor recreation.  Plus I would be able to get some stuff done for my research which is super important.  As it stands right now I plan on taking 6 credits in the spring taking psych, religion, and music.
Today was a typical Tuesday, 6 hours of lecture, I wrote a 5-6 page paper, and had music the rest of the night.  I am now just not getting to bed so I'll keep this post much shorter than the rest you may or may not have read...leave a comment and tell me what you think:  Shorter posts, longer posts, whatever I want to do posts...

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