01 April 2010

A blog, a blog, we have a blog and we need no more blog!

So I am thinking of creating another blog; one that is private so that I can use it for my journal. It would be so much faster and easier to manage than an actual journal and I think that it would benefit anyone who wants to read about me...they will actually be able to read about me. I am just envisioning that if I put anything really private on there that it will somehow be sounded abroad among the many internet-goers. I probably don't have much to worry about (it's not as though I have any truly deep dark secrets...at least not ones I would put in my journal). The other thing that worries me is that I would in some way lose all of the things that I have put into it. A journal seems too sacred an object to just leave to a digital steward. It is just much more tangible if it is bound in leather and printed in ink. I feel like I would be leaving something behind (penmanship) if I stopped writing and started typing as well. What if I should forget how to scrawl?!
Ok, ok, so I think that I will do it. But it will start with a little research. I want to find out the most user-friendly and secure blogging sites. I will most likely revert back to Blogger because it is linked to my google account, but if there is something out there that is spectacular in it's usability then I may just be converted.
For my posts, maybe I will just use this blog? Is that what bloggers do; write posts about anything and everything that is going on in their life? Or is a blog supposed to have a flow, an order, a theme. By doing this will I be committing blogsphemy? Do I care?

In my hand-written journal I always start with the day, date, and time, then I continue on to the oh-so-important life events. Fortunately, that is already done in the fact that I post this electronically and it is stamped with that information. So, here I go with my first post of my E-nal.

It's late...I am wasted, not the wasted where I feel tired, but the wasted where I could probably stay up for another 5 hours and have nothing to show for it but a lot of random webpage surfing. I woke up (and floated out of bed) at 0830 this morning, showered, and stumbled to class an hour late. It's a three hour lecture so 1 hours doesn't make much difference; I never study for the tests anyway. The amazing thing about the day was that although I didn't start sawing logs until 0500, I didn't have any desire to doze all day!
You may be asking yourself, "Why would anybody lead such a lifestyle - where 3 hours of sleep in a night is only achieved by waking up an hour late?" I confess, I can't do that every day, but it has been known to happen multiple times in one week. This time [I'm definitely getting fuzzy now, I just tried to wright, "this occlusion] I could blame the "nap" on a paper. My 18-page literature review that was due at 1700 but was turned in at 0430 the next morning. Luckily, I'm not sure how, I got in good with that professor and I can just turn in everything late without the threat of a good docking.

Wow, I fell asleep mid-blog...maybe I should be writing the date and time on my journal entries.

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