12 February 2010

What a joke

I looked at my last post...September. It seems like a lifetime ago. But this is the end of the first week of midterms. I took three this week. Nursing 300, 320, and 330. I got an 87, 85, and 83. I am satisfied. Especially since in the last month and a half I have read about 15 of about 40 assigned chapters and completed approximately 5 hours of study for tests. Oddly enough, the test that was supposed to be pretty tough I got the highest grade on. That, and I didn't study for it, nor did I complete any reading for the class the entire semester (upwards of 400 assigned pages).
Don't get me wrong, some people have accused me of being a genius or jerk. But I really don't think I'm either, I think that being relaxed and paying attention in class gives you a huge advantage over being stressed, reading without comprehension, and not saying that the class is boring.
I'm sure that by the end of the semester the pattern of doing nothing will probably come back to bite me in the kiester but I am having a great time now and I really enjoy life. Which may be normal for most but, it's surprising how many times I have felt that it wasn't that fun. I'm just trying to stay positive, get motivated, and be friendlier than I have been in the past.
On that note, I hope that right now, reading this post, you are relaxing and enjoying life. :) ...that's for you.