08 November 2007

Kicked Out

The Army of the United States is TAVY!!! They let me in and got my hopes up to pay for all my school and cool stuff, then they go and take it all away...haha jokes on them because I'm not giving back my backpack, shirt, or the 1000 dollars that my brother got for me signing up.
Really I was having second thoughts after having already signed up and sworn in but that didn't matter to them. They told me that it was going to be hard to get out now, if not impossible. With that, I resolved myself to just go with the flow and be an Army dude, you know, take what they would give me and get serve as if I really wanted to. Three days later they call me up and say, "The medical consult came back and we're not going to let you serve in the Army."
The only real drawback now is that I have to find some other way to pay off my school. I've been offered one of those jobs going door to door selling pest control contracts but I'm not too keen on that position. I'd rather just get certified as a CNA or EMT and do some work with a hospital or ambulance so that I have more experience with the field that I want to enter: nursing.
All's well that ends well, or in other words, God has a better plan for me than the Army. I'm sure that I would have missed out on something much better if I had gone. I love how He always takes care of me like that. Even when I'm not being my best...it's a help for me to do better also.

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