26 April 2009

Hard to believe

Michael McPhie is going to be leaving in the next couple days. He may not be back for a long long time. He graduated yesterday and now we no longer have the magical film genius to accompany us. take a look at this...


I think that I have had too many good experiences not to write them down here. Now, unfortunately I have to go through my memory and try to extract that which has happened over the last year and a half. Well, I'll try to work backwards.

I am moving out, kind of. I sold my contract for the spring/summer at campus plaza to Seth, my roommate. He can't buy my contract really though because he has one for fall and CP doesn't want him to buy mine. He's paying me under the table so my name is here. That means that I can stay here if I want to. Which I do. I like staying at CP. The problem is that there isn't enough space for me and my things here. I am moving it out and I'll be giving it to my mom for the three months that I'll be in VIENNA!!!